
Friday 27 September 2013

Gucci handbags: my love!

I love the new Gucci handbags! Ok, they are not just economic, but ... which class!

Wednesday 18 September 2013

What I wear 3


Ok, I found: this is perfect. And I also like shoes. I found all over the I hope it arrive on time!

Tuesday 10 September 2013

What I wear 2

How about this? With a a black short jacket? It seems to me a perfect look for the evening (see related post).

Saturday 7 September 2013

What I wear?

So, the problem: I have to go to an evening reading  to a friend's house.
The book is about someone who has had a life super-sad, so will not be
full of joy.
What shall I wear?  I thought a total-black as Audrey, just to be safe.
I know little about the hosts and they  don’t seem to be particularly attentive to the latest in fashion, but you never know.
They  don’t  even seem particularly funny but the first impression doesn't count.
And, anyway, the reader is a stunner!
Maybe I could illuminate the whole with some jewelry ...

Thursday 5 September 2013



Allora, primo post, quindi… presentazione.
In breve: adoro  i bei vestiti, le belle cose, i bei posti e le belle persone.
Ma a che serve avere tutte queste cose favolose se non si possono condividere?
No, dico, ve lo immaginate?
Tutte vestite bene, truccate e pettinate alla perfezione, in un posto da favola……  completamente sole.
Che gusto c’è? Il bello di avere un abito strepitoso è vedere lo sguardo di ammirazione degli altri su di te, sentirti chiedere “Dove l'hai trovato?” ed iniziare una favolosa chiacchierata sui posti più cool dove fare shopping sfrenato.
Ok. Avrete capito che qui non si parlerà di  “come salvare il pianeta”.
 Ragazze, diciamocelo, noi donne salviamo il pianeta tutti i 365 giorni dell’anno  per ¾ del giorno facendo le brave figlie, le brave sorelle, le brave madri, le brave fidanzate, le brave mogli ed essendo le più brave a scuola, in palestra, al lavoro ed a letto.
Per un quarto della giornata possiamo rilassarci parlando di frivolezze, senza venire accusate di essere superficiali ed egoiste?
E poi loro, le nostre dolci (?) metà,  mi sembra che se lo prendano il tempo per giocare a calcio, parlare di calcio o guardare la stramaledetta partita di calcio, O NO?
Bene. Liquidato il senso di colpa, passiamo a noi: perché traduco in inglese se non lo so fare? 
Prima o poi imparerò nel frattempo… abbiate pazienza :)
Ok. Sono sicura di aver detto tutto e di essere stata chiarissima.
Almeno credo...
Grazie per aver letto sin qui!


So, first post, so ... presentation.
In short: I love   beautiful clothes, beautiful things, beautiful places and beautiful people.
But what good is having all these fabulous things if you can not share?
I mean, can you imagine?
All well dressed, made ​​up and combed to perfection, in a fabulous place ...... completely alone.
What flavor is it? The great thing about having a dress is amazing to see the look of admiration of others on you, hear you ask, "Where did you find it?" And start a fabulous chat about the hottest spots where shopping spree.
Ok. You understand that we are not speaking here of "how to save the planet."
  Girls, let's face it, we women saving the planet all 365 days of the year for ¾ of the day by the good daughters, good sisters, good mothers, good girlfriends, good wives and being the better at school, at the gym , at work and in bed.
For a quarter of the day we can relax talking about frivolities, without being accused of being superficial and selfish?
And then they, our sweet (?) Half, it seems to me that if you take the time to play football, talking about football or watch the damn football game, or not?
Good. Liquidated the guilt, let's us: why translate it in English if you do not know how to do? 
Sooner or later I'll learn in the meantime ... be patient :)
Ok. I'm sure I've said it all and it has been very clear.
At least I think ...
Thank you for reading so far! 